Vault  4.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 Copyright c1997-2014 Trygve Isaacson. All rights reserved.
00003 This file is part of the Code Vault version 4.1
00005 License: MIT. See in the Vault top level directory.
00006 */
00008 #ifndef vinstant_h
00009 #define vinstant_h
00013 #include "vtypes.h"
00015 #include "vstring.h"
00017 class VCodePoint;
00018 class VInstant;
00019 class VDate;
00020 class VTimeOfDay;
00021 class VDateAndTime;
00022 class VInstantFormatter;
00068 class VDuration {
00069     public:
00071         static const VDuration& ZERO();        
00072         static const VDuration& MILLISECOND(); 
00073         static const VDuration& SECOND();      
00074         static const VDuration& MINUTE();      
00075         static const VDuration& HOUR();        
00076         static const VDuration& DAY();         
00078         static const VDuration& UNSPECIFIED();         
00079         static const VDuration& NEGATIVE_INFINITY();   
00080         static const VDuration& POSITIVE_INFINITY();   
00083         VDuration() : mDurationMilliseconds(0) {}
00085         VDuration(const VDuration& d) : mDurationMilliseconds(d.mDurationMilliseconds) {}
00087         VDuration(const VInstant& sinceWhen);
00089         ~VDuration() {}
00099         static VDuration createFromDurationString(const VString& s);
00102         VDuration& operator=(const VDuration& d) { if (this != &d) mDurationMilliseconds = d.getDurationMilliseconds(); return *this; }
00104         VDuration& operator+=(const VDuration& forwardOffset);
00106         VDuration& operator-=(const VDuration& backwardOffset);
00108         VDuration& operator*=(Vs64 multiplier);
00110         VDuration& operator/=(int divisor);
00112         VDuration& operator%=(const VDuration& divisor);
00114         VDuration operator-() const;
00117         Vs64 getDurationMilliseconds() const { return mDurationMilliseconds; }
00119         int getDurationSeconds() const { return static_cast<int>(mDurationMilliseconds / kMillisecondsPerSecond); }
00121         int getDurationMinutes() const { return static_cast<int>(mDurationMilliseconds / kMillisecondsPerMinute); }
00123         int getDurationHours() const { return static_cast<int>(mDurationMilliseconds / kMillisecondsPerHour); }
00125         int getDurationDays() const { return static_cast<int>(mDurationMilliseconds / kMillisecondsPerDay); }
00127         VString getDurationString() const;
00129         VString getDurationStringFractionalSeconds() const;
00132         void setDurationMilliseconds(Vs64 durationMilliseconds) { mDurationMilliseconds = durationMilliseconds; }
00134         void setDurationSeconds(int durationSeconds) { mDurationMilliseconds = kMillisecondsPerSecond * static_cast<Vs64>(durationSeconds); }
00136         void setDurationMinutes(int durationMinutes) { mDurationMilliseconds = kMillisecondsPerMinute * static_cast<Vs64>(durationMinutes); }
00138         void setDurationHours(int durationHours) { mDurationMilliseconds = kMillisecondsPerHour * static_cast<Vs64>(durationHours); }
00140         void setDurationDays(int durationDays) { mDurationMilliseconds = kMillisecondsPerDay * static_cast<Vs64>(durationDays); }
00174         void setDurationString(const VString& s);
00176         friend inline bool operator==(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00177         friend inline bool operator!=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00178         friend inline bool operator< (const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00179         friend inline bool operator<=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00180         friend inline bool operator>=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00181         friend inline bool operator> (const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs);  
00182         friend inline VDuration operator+(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00183         friend inline VDuration operator-(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00184         friend inline VDuration operator*(Vs64 multiplier, const VDuration& d1);    
00185         friend inline VDuration operator*(const VDuration& d1, Vs64 multiplier);    
00186         friend VDuration operator/(const VDuration& d, int divisor);                
00187         friend VDuration operator%(const VDuration& d, const VDuration& divisor);   
00189         static inline VDuration min(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);      
00190         static inline VDuration max(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);      
00191         static inline VDuration abs(const VDuration& d);                            
00198         bool isComparable() const { return (*this != VDuration::UNSPECIFIED()); }
00203         bool isSpecific() const { return (*this != VDuration::UNSPECIFIED()) && (*this != VDuration::NEGATIVE_INFINITY()) && (*this != VDuration::POSITIVE_INFINITY()); }
00209         static bool areValuesSpecific(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2) { return d1.isSpecific() && d2.isSpecific(); }
00211     private:
00213         // These are called by the friend inline comparison operators for comparing non-simple durations.
00214         static VDuration _complexAdd(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00215         static VDuration _complexSubtract(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00216         static VDuration _complexMultiply(const VDuration& d, Vs64 multiplier);
00217         static VDuration _complexMin(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00218         static VDuration _complexMax(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2);
00219         static VDuration _complexAbs(const VDuration& d);
00221         // This is the private constructor used internally.
00222         explicit VDuration(Vs64 durationMilliseconds) : mDurationMilliseconds(durationMilliseconds) {}
00224         Vs64 mDurationMilliseconds; 
00226         // These are used internally for conversion.
00227         static const Vs64 kMillisecondsPerSecond = CONST_S64(1000);
00228         static const Vs64 kMillisecondsPerMinute = CONST_S64(60000);
00229         static const Vs64 kMillisecondsPerHour = CONST_S64(3600000);
00230         static const Vs64 kMillisecondsPerDay = CONST_S64(86400000);
00231 };
00233 // Inline implementations of some of the above VDuration operators.
00234 // For non-specific values, some operators need to call more complicated functions to provide
00235 // sensible values.
00236 inline bool operator==(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return lhs.mDurationMilliseconds == rhs.mDurationMilliseconds; }
00237 inline bool operator!=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return !operator==(lhs, rhs); }
00238 inline bool operator< (const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return lhs.mDurationMilliseconds < rhs.mDurationMilliseconds; }
00239 inline bool operator<=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return !operator>(lhs, rhs); }
00240 inline bool operator>=(const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return !operator<(lhs, rhs); }
00241 inline bool operator> (const VDuration& lhs, const VDuration& rhs) { return  operator<(rhs, lhs); }
00242 inline VDuration operator+(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2) { if (VDuration::areValuesSpecific(d1, d2)) return VDuration(d1.mDurationMilliseconds + d2.mDurationMilliseconds); else return VDuration::_complexAdd(d1, d2); }
00243 inline VDuration operator-(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2) { if (VDuration::areValuesSpecific(d1, d2)) return VDuration(d1.mDurationMilliseconds - d2.mDurationMilliseconds); else return VDuration::_complexSubtract(d1, d2); }
00244 inline VDuration operator*(Vs64 multiplier, const VDuration& d) { if (d.isSpecific()) return VDuration(d.mDurationMilliseconds * multiplier); else return VDuration::_complexMultiply(d, multiplier); }
00245 inline VDuration operator*(const VDuration& d, Vs64 multiplier) { if (d.isSpecific()) return VDuration(d.mDurationMilliseconds * multiplier); else return VDuration::_complexMultiply(d, multiplier); }
00246 inline VDuration VDuration::min(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2) { if (VDuration::areValuesSpecific(d1, d2)) return (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2; else return VDuration::_complexMin(d1, d2); }
00247 inline VDuration VDuration::max(const VDuration& d1, const VDuration& d2) { if (VDuration::areValuesSpecific(d1, d2)) return (d1 > d2) ? d1 : d2; else return VDuration::_complexMax(d1, d2); }
00248 inline VDuration VDuration::abs(const VDuration& d) { if (d.isSpecific()) return (d.mDurationMilliseconds < CONST_S64(0)) ? -d : d; else return VDuration::_complexAbs(d); }
00254 typedef std::vector<VDuration> VDurationVector;
00260 class VInstantStruct {
00261     public:
00262         VInstantStruct() : mYear(0), mMonth(1), mDay(1), mHour(0), mMinute(0), mSecond(0), mMillisecond(0), mDayOfWeek(0) {}
00263         VInstantStruct(const VDate& date, const VTimeOfDay& timeOfDay);
00270         Vs64 getOffsetFromUTCStruct() const;
00277         Vs64 getOffsetFromLocalStruct() const;
00283         void setUTCStructFromOffset(Vs64 offset);
00289         void setLocalStructFromOffset(Vs64 offset);
00295         void getTmStruct(struct tm& fields) const;
00301         void setFromTmStruct(const struct tm& fields, int millisecond);
00303         int mYear;          
00304         int mMonth;         
00305         int mDay;           
00306         int mHour;          
00307         int mMinute;        
00308         int mSecond;        
00309         int mMillisecond;   
00310         int mDayOfWeek;     
00312     private:
00314         // These are the 3 platform-defined helper functions for converting between
00315         // offsets and UTC or local broken-down time struct. There isn't one for
00316         // "from UTC struct" because it is not per-platform; if timegm is available
00317         // we call it, otherwise we implement it directly.
00325         static Vs64 _platform_offsetFromLocalStruct(const VInstantStruct& when);
00333         static void _platform_offsetToLocalStruct(Vs64 offset, VInstantStruct& when);
00341         static void _platform_offsetToUTCStruct(Vs64 offset, VInstantStruct& when);
00353         static void _threadsafe_localtime(const time_t epochOffset, struct tm* resultStorage);
00364         static void _threadsafe_gmtime(const time_t epochOffset, struct tm* resultStorage);
00366 };
00379 class IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter {
00380     public:
00393         virtual void offsetToRTZStruct(Vs64 offset, const VString& timeZoneID, VInstantStruct& when) = 0;
00406         virtual Vs64 offsetFromRTZStruct(const VString& timeZoneID, const VInstantStruct& when) = 0;
00408     protected:
00410         IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter() {}
00411         virtual ~IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter() {}
00413 };
00431 class VInstant {
00432     public:
00435         static const VInstant& INFINITE_PAST();
00437         static const VInstant& INFINITE_FUTURE();
00439         static const VInstant& NEVER_OCCURRED();
00443         static const VString& UTC_TIME_ZONE_ID();
00446         static const VString& LOCAL_TIME_ZONE_ID();
00455         static VInstant instantFromRawValue(Vs64 value) { return VInstant(value); }
00464         static VInstant instantFromPosixTime(time_t value) { return VInstant(CONST_S64(1000) * static_cast<Vs64>(value)); }
00469         VInstant();
00473         VInstant(const VInstant& i) : mValue(i.mValue) {}
00477         ~VInstant() {}
00483         VInstant& operator=(const VInstant& i);
00492         VInstant& operator+=(const VDuration& forwardOffsetDuration);
00501         VInstant& operator-=(const VDuration& backwardOffsetDuration);
00506         void setNow();
00510         void setTrueNow();
00516         VInstantStruct getUTCInstantFields() const;
00522         VInstantStruct getLocalInstantFields() const;
00524         /*
00525         There are two flavors of string conversion -- UTC and local -- and each one has
00526         a modern form and a legacy form.
00528         The modern form returns the string, and is supplied a VInstantFormatter to control
00529         the format; there are several preset formatters available in VInstantFormatter.
00530         If you omit the formatter you get the same format that the legacy API provided
00531         prior to Vault 4.0, for backward compatibility.
00533         The legacy form puts the string into a read-write parameter and has optional
00534         parameters to control whether milliseconds are included and whether punctuation
00535         is stripped out to make the string safe to use as a file system node name.
00536         */
00538         // Modern APIs starting with Vault 4.0:
00545         VString getUTCString() const;
00552         VString getUTCString(const VInstantFormatter& formatter) const;
00558         VString getLocalString() const;
00565         VString getLocalString(const VInstantFormatter& formatter) const;
00567         // Legacy APIs:
00578         void getUTCString(VString& s, bool fileNameSafe = false, bool wantMilliseconds = true) const;
00588         void getLocalString(VString& s, bool fileNameSafe = false, bool wantMilliseconds = true) const;
00597         void setUTCString(const VString& s);
00605         void setLocalString(const VString& s);
00612         bool isSpecific() const { return (*this != VInstant::NEVER_OCCURRED()) && (*this != VInstant::INFINITE_PAST()) && (*this != VInstant::INFINITE_FUTURE()); }
00618         bool isComparable() const { return (*this != VInstant::NEVER_OCCURRED()); }
00631         Vs64 getValue() const { return mValue; }
00644         void setValue(Vs64 value) { mValue = value; }
00650         VDate getLocalDate() const;
00661         VDate getDate(const VString& timeZoneID) const;
00668         VTimeOfDay getLocalTimeOfDay() const;
00679         VTimeOfDay    getTimeOfDay(const VString& timeZoneID) const;
00685         VDateAndTime getLocalDateAndTime() const;
00693         VDateAndTime getDateAndTime(const VString& timeZoneID) const;
00699         void setLocalDateAndTime(const VDateAndTime& dt);
00707         void setDateAndTime(const VDateAndTime& dt, const VString& timeZoneID);
00717         void getValues(VDate& date, VTimeOfDay& timeOfDay, const VString& timeZoneID) const;
00727         void setValues(const VDate& date, const VTimeOfDay& timeOfDay, const VString& timeZoneID);
00734         Vs64 getLocalOffsetMilliseconds() const;
00736         friend inline bool operator==(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00737         friend inline bool operator!=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00738         friend inline bool operator< (const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00739         friend inline bool operator<=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00740         friend inline bool operator>=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00741         friend inline bool operator> (const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs);    
00742         friend inline VDuration operator-(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2);  
00743         friend inline VInstant operator+(const VInstant& i1, const VDuration& forwardDuration);    
00744         friend inline VInstant operator-(const VInstant& i1, const VDuration& backwardDuration);
00746         static inline VInstant min(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2); 
00747         static inline VInstant max(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2); 
00757         static Vs64 snapshot();
00765         static VDuration snapshotDelta(Vs64 snapshotValue);
00774         static void setRemoteTimeZoneConverter(IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter* converter);
00781         static IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter* getRemoteTimeZoneConverter();
00783         // Time simulation features. Note that if "frozen time" is in effect, the
00784         // "clock offset" information is not used.
00795         static void incrementSimulatedClockOffset(const VDuration& delta);
00806         static void setSimulatedClockOffset(const VDuration& offset);
00818         static void setSimulatedClockValue(const VInstant& simulatedCurrentTime);
00828         static VDuration getSimulatedClockOffset();
00834         static void freezeTime(const VInstant& frozenTimeValue);
00842         static void shiftFrozenTime(const VDuration& delta);
00849         static void unfreezeTime();
00854         static bool isTimeFrozen();
00856     private:
00858         // This is the private constructor used internally.
00859         explicit VInstant(Vs64 utcOffsetMilliseconds) : mValue(utcOffsetMilliseconds) {}
00861         Vs64 mValue; 
00867         static bool canCompareValues(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2) { return i1.isSpecific() && i2.isSpecific(); }
00871         static bool _complexGT(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2);
00875         static bool _complexGTE(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2);
00879         static bool _complexLT(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2);
00883         static bool _complexLTE(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2);
00885         /*
00886         These are the core function interfaces that must be implemented on a
00887         per-platform basis. That is, they are platform-specific and are
00888         implemented in the vinstant_platform.* files. All other time
00889         conversion is performed via these calls. This allows us to isolate
00890         the platform and library quirks in those files rather than conditionally
00891         compile code in vinstant.cpp.
00893         There are only two types used here.
00894         - The 64-bit millisecond "offset" from UTC 1970. This is also what VInstant
00895           uses an offset. We'll just refer to this as a UTC Epoch Offset.
00896         - The y/m/d/h/m/s "struct" in some time zone. We'll just refer to this
00897           as a "Time Struct".
00899         It's all about converting between them.
00901         There is one additional function, _platform_snapshot(), which is not about
00902         time conversion, but just about measuring short time durations with
00903         millisecond resolution.
00904         */
00911         static Vs64 _platform_now();
00918         static Vs64 _platform_snapshot();
00920         static Vs64 gSimulatedClockOffset; 
00921         static Vs64 gFrozenClockValue;     
00922         static IVRemoteTimeZoneConverter* gRemoteTimeZoneConverter; 
00924         // Let VDate call the getTimeValue() bottleneck for getting the day of
00925         // week, but don't make it a public API since it's exposing the tm
00926         // structure which is dependent on time.h functionality.
00927         friend class VDate;
00928         friend class VInstantUnit;  // Let unit test validate our internal APIs.
00929 };
00931 // Inline implementations of some of the above VInstant operators.
00932 inline bool operator==(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { return lhs.mValue == rhs.mValue; }
00933 inline bool operator!=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { return !operator==(lhs, rhs); }
00934 inline bool operator< (const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { if (VInstant::canCompareValues(lhs, rhs)) return lhs.mValue < rhs.mValue; else return VInstant::_complexLT(lhs, rhs); }
00935 inline bool operator<=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { if (VInstant::canCompareValues(lhs, rhs)) return lhs.mValue <= rhs.mValue; else return VInstant::_complexLTE(lhs, rhs); }
00936 inline bool operator>=(const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { if (VInstant::canCompareValues(lhs, rhs)) return lhs.mValue >= rhs.mValue; else return VInstant::_complexGTE(lhs, rhs); }
00937 inline bool operator> (const VInstant& lhs, const VInstant& rhs) { if (VInstant::canCompareValues(lhs, rhs)) return lhs.mValue > rhs.mValue; else return VInstant::_complexGT(lhs, rhs); }
00938 inline VDuration operator-(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2) { if (VInstant::canCompareValues(i1, i2)) return VDuration::MILLISECOND() * (i1.mValue - i2.mValue); else return VDuration(); }
00939 inline VInstant operator+(const VInstant& i1, const VDuration& forwardDuration) { VInstant result = i1; result += forwardDuration; return result; }
00940 inline VInstant operator-(const VInstant& i1, const VDuration& backwardDuration) { VInstant result = i1; result -= backwardDuration; return result; }
00941 inline VInstant VInstant::min(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2) { return (i1 < i2) ? i1 : i2; }
00942 inline VInstant VInstant::max(const VInstant& i1, const VInstant& i2) { return (i1 > i2) ? i1 : i2; }
00948 typedef std::vector<VInstant> VInstantVector;
00956 class VDate {
00957     public:
00959         static VDate createFromDateString(const VString& dateString, const VCodePoint& delimiter);
00966         VDate();
00973         VDate(const VString& timeZoneID);
00980         VDate(int year, int month, int day);
00984         virtual ~VDate() {}
00990         int getYear() const;
00995         int getMonth() const;
01000         int getDay() const;
01006         int getDayOfWeek() const;
01013         void set(int year, int month, int day);
01018         void setYear(int year);
01023         void setMonth(int month);
01028         void setDay(int day);
01030         // These static functions can be extended in the future to
01031         // return values based on the locale.
01038         static const VCodePoint& getLocalDateSeparator() { return kLocalDateSeparator; }
01040         enum {
01041             kYMD,   
01042             kYDM,   
01043             kMYD,   
01044             kMDY,   
01045             kDYM,   
01046             kDMY    
01047         };
01054         static int getLocalDateOrder() { return kMDY; }
01056         enum {
01057             kSunday = 0,
01058             kMonday,
01059             kTuesday,
01060             kWednesday,
01061             kThursday,
01062             kFriday,
01063             kSaturday
01064         };
01066         friend inline bool operator==(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01067         friend inline bool operator!=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01068         friend inline bool operator< (const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01069         friend inline bool operator<=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01070         friend inline bool operator>=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01071         friend inline bool operator> (const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs);    
01073     private:
01076         void _assertInvariant() const;
01078         int mYear;  
01079         int mMonth; 
01080         int mDay;   
01082         static const VCodePoint kLocalDateSeparator; 
01083 };
01085 inline bool operator==(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) { return (lhs.mYear == rhs.mYear) && (lhs.mMonth == rhs.mMonth) && (lhs.mDay == rhs.mDay); }
01086 inline bool operator!=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) { return !operator==(lhs, rhs); }
01087 inline bool operator< (const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) {
01088     if (lhs.mYear < rhs.mYear) return true;
01089     if (lhs.mYear > rhs.mYear) return false;
01090     if (lhs.mMonth < rhs.mMonth) return true;
01091     if (lhs.mMonth > rhs.mMonth) return false;
01092     return (lhs.mDay < rhs.mDay);
01093 }
01094 inline bool operator<=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) { return !operator>(lhs, rhs); }
01095 inline bool operator>=(const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) { return !operator<(lhs, rhs); }
01096 inline bool operator> (const VDate& lhs, const VDate& rhs) { return  operator<(rhs, lhs); }
01102 class VTimeOfDay {
01103     public:
01109         VTimeOfDay();
01116         VTimeOfDay(const VString& timeZoneID);
01124         VTimeOfDay(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond);
01128         virtual ~VTimeOfDay() {}
01134         int getHour() const;
01139         int getMinute() const;
01144         int getSecond() const;
01149         int getMillisecond() const;
01157         void set(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond);
01162         void setHour(int hour);
01167         void setMinute(int minute);
01172         void setSecond(int second);
01177         void setMillisecond(int millisecond);
01181         void setToStartOfDay();
01183         // These static functions can be extended in the future to
01184         // return values based on the locale.
01191         static const VCodePoint& getLocalTimeSeparator() { return kLocalTimeSeparator; }
01193         friend inline bool operator==(const VTimeOfDay& t1, const VTimeOfDay& t2);
01195     private:
01198         void _assertInvariant() const;
01200         int mHour;          
01201         int mMinute;        
01202         int mSecond;        
01203         int mMillisecond;   
01205         static const VCodePoint kLocalTimeSeparator;    
01206 };
01208 inline bool operator==(const VTimeOfDay& t1, const VTimeOfDay& t2) { return (t1.mHour == t2.mHour) && (t1.mMinute == t2.mMinute) && (t1.mSecond == t2.mSecond) && (t1.mMillisecond == t2.mMillisecond); }
01213 class VDateAndTime {
01214     public:
01216         VDateAndTime() : mDate(), mTimeOfDay() {}
01217         VDateAndTime(const VString& timeZoneID);
01218         VDateAndTime(int inYear, int inMonth, int inDay, int inHour, int inMinute, int inSecond, int inMillisecond) :
01219             mDate(inYear, inMonth, inDay), mTimeOfDay(inHour, inMinute, inSecond, inMillisecond) {}
01220         ~VDateAndTime() {}
01222         // Use these accessors to call the date and time of day sub-objects directly.
01223         const VDate& getDate() const { return mDate; }
01224         const VTimeOfDay& getTimeOfDay() const { return mTimeOfDay; }
01226         int getYear() const { return mDate.getYear(); }
01227         int getMonth() const { return mDate.getMonth(); }
01228         int getDay() const { return mDate.getDay(); }
01229         int getDayOfWeek() const { return mDate.getDayOfWeek(); }
01230         int getHour() const { return mTimeOfDay.getHour(); }
01231         int getMinute() const { return mTimeOfDay.getMinute(); }
01232         int getSecond() const { return mTimeOfDay.getSecond(); }
01233         int getMillisecond() const { return mTimeOfDay.getMillisecond(); }
01235         void set(int inYear, int inMonth, int inDay, int inHour, int inMinute, int inSecond, int inMillisecond) {
01236             mDate.set(inYear, inMonth, inDay); mTimeOfDay.set(inHour, inMinute, inSecond, inMillisecond);
01237         }
01239         void setYear(int year) { mDate.setYear(year); }
01240         void setMonth(int month) { mDate.setMonth(month); }
01241         void setDay(int day) { mDate.setDay(day); }
01242         void setHour(int hour) { mTimeOfDay.setHour(hour); }
01243         void setMinute(int minute) { mTimeOfDay.setMinute(minute); }
01244         void setSecond(int second) { mTimeOfDay.setSecond(second); }
01245         void setMillisecond(int millisecond) { mTimeOfDay.setMillisecond(millisecond); }
01246         void setToStartOfDay() { mTimeOfDay.setToStartOfDay(); }
01248         friend inline bool operator==(const VDateAndTime& dt1, const VDateAndTime& dt2);
01250     private:
01252         VDate       mDate;
01253         VTimeOfDay  mTimeOfDay;
01254 };
01256 inline bool operator==(const VDateAndTime& dt1, const VDateAndTime& dt2) { return (dt1.mDate == dt2.mDate) && (dt1.mTimeOfDay == dt2.mTimeOfDay); }
01258 // VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo -----------------------------------------------
01269 class VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo {
01270     public:
01279         static const VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo& getLocaleInfo(const VString& localeName);
01285         VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo();
01286         ~VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo() {}
01288         // The instance variables are public since they are just data, which you can
01289         // build if you are setting up your own locale object.
01291         VString         CE_MARKER;              
01292         VString         AM_MARKER;              
01293         VString         PM_MARKER;              
01294         VStringVector   MONTH_NAMES_SHORT;      
01295         VStringVector   MONTH_NAMES_LONG;       
01296         VStringVector   DAY_NAMES_SHORT;        
01297         VStringVector   DAY_NAMES_LONG;         
01298 };
01300 // VInstantFormatter ---------------------------------------------------------
01317 class VInstantFormatter {
01318     public:
01323         VInstantFormatter();
01328         VInstantFormatter(const VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo& localeInfo);
01333         VInstantFormatter(const VString& formatSpecifier);
01339         VInstantFormatter(const VString& formatSpecifier, const VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo& localeInfo);
01341         ~VInstantFormatter() {}
01350         VString formatLocalString(const VInstant& when) const;
01357         VString formatUTCString(const VInstant& when) const;
01359         // Getter, for debugging use.
01360         VString getFormatSpecifier() const { return mFormatSpecifier; }
01362     private:
01369         VString _format(const VInstantStruct& when, int utcOffsetMilliseconds) const;
01370         void _flushPendingFieldSpecifier(const VInstantStruct& when, int utcOffsetMilliseconds, VString& fieldSpecifier/*will be set to empty on return*/, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01372         void _flushFixedLengthTextValue(const VString& value, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01373         void _flushVariableLengthTextValue(const VString& shortValue, const VString& longValue, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01374         void _flushNumberValue(int value, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01375         void _flushYearValue(int year, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01376         void _flushMonthValue(int month, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01377         void _flushDayNameValue(int dayOfWeek/*0=sun ... 6=sat*/, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01378         void _flushDayNumberValue(int dayOfWeek/*0=sun ... 6=sat*/, int fieldLength, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01379         void _flushTimeZoneValue(int utcOffsetMilliseconds, const VString& fieldSpecifier, VString& resultToAppendTo) const;
01381         VString mFormatSpecifier;
01383         // Pseudo-constants: Potentially localized values, not static, because we allow setting per VInstantFormatter.
01384         const VInstantFormatterLocaleInfo& mLocaleInfo;
01385 };
01387 #endif /* vinstant_h */

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