Vault  4.1
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VSettingsNode Class Reference

VSettingsNode is the abstract class used to describe any node in the settings hierarchy. More...

#include <vsettings.h>

Inheritance diagram for VSettingsNode:
VSettings VSettingsAttribute VSettingsCDATA VSettingsTag

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VSettingsNode (VSettingsTag *parent, const VString &name)
 VSettingsNode (const VSettingsNode &other)
VSettingsNodeoperator= (const VSettingsNode &other)
virtual void writeToStream (VTextIOStream &outputStream, int indentLevel=0) const =0
virtual VBentoNodewriteToBento () const =0
virtual const VSettingsNodefindNode (const VString &path) const
virtual VSettingsNodefindMutableNode (const VString &path)
virtual int countNodes (const VString &path) const
virtual int countNamedChildren (const VString &) const
virtual const VSettingsNodegetNamedChild (const VString &, int) const
virtual void deleteNode (const VString &path)
virtual void deleteNamedChildren (const VString &)
const VStringgetName () const
VString getPath () const
bool isNamed (const VString &name) const
virtual int getInt (const VString &path, int defaultValue) const
virtual int getInt (const VString &path) const
int getIntValue () const
virtual Vs64 getS64 (const VString &path, Vs64 defaultValue) const
virtual Vs64 getS64 (const VString &path) const
virtual Vs64 getS64Value () const =0
virtual bool getBoolean (const VString &path, bool defaultValue) const
virtual bool getBoolean (const VString &path) const
virtual bool getBooleanValue () const =0
virtual VString getString (const VString &path, const VString &defaultValue) const
virtual VString getString (const VString &path) const
virtual VString getStringValue () const =0
virtual VDouble getDouble (const VString &path, VDouble defaultValue) const
virtual VDouble getDouble (const VString &path) const
virtual VDouble getDoubleValue () const =0
virtual VSize getSize (const VString &path, const VSize &defaultValue) const
virtual VSize getSize (const VString &path) const
virtual VSize getSizeValue () const =0
virtual VPoint getPoint (const VString &path, const VPoint &defaultValue) const
virtual VPoint getPoint (const VString &path) const
virtual VPoint getPointValue () const =0
virtual VRect getRect (const VString &path, const VRect &defaultValue) const
virtual VRect getRect (const VString &path) const
virtual VRect getRectValue () const =0
virtual VPolygon getPolygon (const VString &path, const VPolygon &defaultValue) const
virtual VPolygon getPolygon (const VString &path) const
virtual VPolygon getPolygonValue () const =0
virtual VColor getColor (const VString &path, const VColor &defaultValue) const
virtual VColor getColor (const VString &path) const
virtual VColor getColorValue () const =0
virtual VDuration getDuration (const VString &path, const VDuration &defaultValue) const
virtual VDuration getDuration (const VString &path) const
virtual VDuration getDurationValue () const =0
virtual VDate getDate (const VString &path, const VDate &defaultValue) const
virtual VDate getDate (const VString &path) const
virtual VDate getDateValue () const =0
virtual VInstant getInstant (const VString &path, const VInstant &defaultValue) const
virtual VInstant getInstant (const VString &path) const
virtual VInstant getInstantValue () const =0
virtual bool nodeExists (const VString &path) const
virtual void addIntValue (const VString &path, int value)
virtual void addS64Value (const VString &path, Vs64 value)
virtual void addBooleanValue (const VString &path, bool value)
virtual void addStringValue (const VString &path, const VString &value)
virtual void addDoubleValue (const VString &path, VDouble value)
virtual void addSizeValue (const VString &path, const VSize &value)
virtual void addPointValue (const VString &path, const VPoint &value)
virtual void addRectValue (const VString &path, const VRect &value)
virtual void addPolygonValue (const VString &path, const VPolygon &value)
virtual void addColorValue (const VString &path, const VColor &value)
virtual void addDurationValue (const VString &path, const VDuration &value)
virtual void addItem (const VString &path)
virtual void setIntValue (const VString &path, int value)
virtual void setBooleanValue (const VString &path, bool value)
virtual void setStringValue (const VString &path, const VString &value)
virtual void setDoubleValue (const VString &path, VDouble value)
virtual void setSizeValue (const VString &path, const VSize &value)
virtual void setPointValue (const VString &path, const VPoint &value)
virtual void setRectValue (const VString &path, const VRect &value)
virtual void setPolygonValue (const VString &path, const VPolygon &value)
virtual void setColorValue (const VString &path, const VColor &value)
virtual void setDurationValue (const VString &path, const VDuration &value)
virtual void setLiteral (const VString &)
virtual void add (const VString &path, bool hasValue, const VString &value)
virtual void addValue (const VString &value)
virtual void addChildNode (VSettingsNode *node)
VSettingsTaggetParent ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual VSettingsAttribute_findAttribute (const VString &) const
virtual VSettingsTag_findChildTag (const VString &) const
virtual void _addLeafValue (const VString &name, bool hasValue, const VString &value)
virtual void _removeAttribute (VSettingsAttribute *)
virtual void _removeChildNode (VSettingsNode *)
void throwNotFound (const VString &dataKind, const VString &missingTrail) const

Protected Attributes

VString mName

Static Protected Attributes

static const char kPathDelimiterChar = '/'

Detailed Description

VSettingsNode is the abstract class used to describe any node in the settings hierarchy.

It may be the top level VSettings object, an arbitrary tag node, an attribute/value node, or a CDATA node.

Definition at line 51 of file vsettings.h.

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