This is the complete list of members for
VListenerThread, including all inherited members.
enumerateActiveSockets() | VListenerThread | |
getCurrentThread() | VThread | [static] |
getCurrentThreadName() | VThread | [static] |
getDeleteAtEnd() const | VThread | |
getLoggerName() const | VThread | [inline] |
getManagementInterface() const | VThread | |
getName() const | VThread | [inline] |
getPortNumber() const | VListenerThread | |
getThreadName(VThreadID_Type threadID) | VThread | [static] |
getThreadsInfo(VBentoNode &bento) | VThread | [static] |
isListening() const | VListenerThread | [inline] |
isRunning() const | VThread | |
join() | VThread | |
kCreateThreadDetached | VThread | [static] |
kCreateThreadJoinable | VThread | [static] |
kDeleteSelfAtEnd | VThread | [static] |
kDontDeleteSelfAtEnd | VThread | [static] |
logStackCrawl(const VString &headerMessage, VNamedLoggerPtr logger, bool verbose) | VThread | [static] |
mCreateDetached | VThread | [protected] |
mDeleteAtEnd | VThread | [protected] |
mIsDeleted | VThread | [protected] |
mIsRunning | VThread | [protected] |
mLoggerName | VThread | [protected] |
mManager | VThread | [protected] |
mName | VThread | [protected] |
mThreadID | VThread | [protected] |
run() | VListenerThread | [virtual] |
setName(const VString &threadName) | VThread | [inline] |
setPriority(int nice) | VThread | [static] |
sleep(const VDuration &interval) | VThread | [static] |
socketThreadEnded(VSocketThread *socketThread) | VListenerThread | |
start() | VThread | [virtual] |
startListening() | VListenerThread | [inline] |
stop() | VListenerThread | [virtual] |
stopAllSocketThreads() | VListenerThread | |
stopListening() | VListenerThread | [inline] |
stopSocketThread(VSocketID socketID, int localPortNumber) | VListenerThread | |
stopThread(VThreadID_Type threadID) | VThread | [static] |
threadCreate(VThreadID_Type *threadID, bool createDetached, threadMainFunction threadMainProcPtr, void *threadArgument) | VThread | [static] |
threadDetach(VThreadID_Type threadID) | VThread | [static] |
threadExit() | VThread | [static] |
threadID() const | VThread | |
threadJoin(VThreadID_Type threadID, void **value) | VThread | [static] |
threadMain(void *arg) | VThread | [static] |
threadMainFunction typedef (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
threadSelf() | VThread | [static] |
userMain(int argc, char **argv) | VThread | [static] |
userThreadMain(void *arg) | VThread | [static] |
VListenerThread(const VString &threadBaseName, bool deleteSelfAtEnd, bool createDetached, VManagementInterface *manager, int portNumber, const VString &bindAddress, VSocketFactory *socketFactory, VSocketThreadFactory *threadFactory, VClientSessionFactory *sessionFactory=NULL, bool initiallyListening=true) | VListenerThread | |
VThread(const VString &name, const VString &loggerName, bool deleteSelfAtEnd, bool createDetached, VManagementInterface *manager) | VThread | |
yield() | VThread | [static] |
~VListenerThread() | VListenerThread | [virtual] |
~VThread() | VThread | [virtual] |