Vault  4.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IVRemoteTimeZoneConverterYou can provide a callback interface for VInstant to allow for converting to and from "remote time zones" (RTZ)
IVShutdownHandlerIVShutdownHandler is the mix-in class (interface) for objects that are registered with the shutdown registry
VAbstractFileStreamVAbstractFileStream is a VStream subclass that implements the common part of the buffered and unbuffered file concrete subclasses, and defines the pure virtual API that they must implement
VAssertThis static helper class provides the various overloaded assertion functions that we call from our VASSERT macros
VAutoreleasePoolVAutoreleasePool currently is defined to support memory management in Cocoa applications
VBentoArrayVBentoArray is a VBentoAttribute that holds an array of homogeneous simple values; there is a subclass for each supported data type
VBentoAttributeVBentoAttribute is an abstract base class for all of the concrete VBento attribute classes
VBentoBinaryVBentoBinary is a VBentoAttribute that holds untyped data
VBentoBoolVBentoBool is a VBentoAttribute that holds a bool value
VBentoBoolArrayVBentoBoolArray is a VBentoArray that holds an array of bool values
VBentoCallbackParserVBentoCallbackParser is provided for you to subclass if you need to read a bento object (or complete hierarchy) from the stream "manually"
VBentoCharVBentoChar is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VCodePoint value
VBentoColorVBentoColor is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VColor value
VBentoDoubleVBentoDouble is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VDouble value
VBentoDoubleArrayVBentoDoubleArray is a VBentoArray that holds an array of VDouble values
VBentoDurationVBentoDuration is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VDuration value
VBentoDurationArrayVBentoDurationArray is a VBentoArray that holds an array of VDuration values
VBentoFloatVBentoFloat is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VFloat value
VBentoILineVBentoILine is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VILine value
VBentoInstantVBentoInstant is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VInstant value
VBentoInstantArrayVBentoInstantArray is a VBentoArray that holds an array of VInstant values
VBentoIPointVBentoIPoint is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VIPoint value
VBentoIPoint3DVBentoIPoint3D is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VIPoint3D value
VBentoIPolygonVBentoPolygon is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VIPolygon value
VBentoIRectVBentoIRect is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VIRect value
VBentoISizeVBentoSize is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VISize value
VBentoLineVBentoLine is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VLine value
VBentoMessageInputThreadVBentoMessageInputThread is a VMessageInputThread that can automatically handle no-such-handler or uncaught message dispatch exceptions, and in response send a Bento-based error reply back to the sender
VBentoNodeVBentoNode represents an object in the data hierarchy; objects can have named/typed attributes attached to them, as well as contained (child) objects
VBentoNotFoundExceptionThis exception subclass is thrown by the throwing getters if they cannot find the requested attribute
VBentoPointVBentoPoint is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VPoint value
VBentoPoint3DVBentoPoint3D is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VPoint3D value
VBentoPolygonVBentoPolygon is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VPolygon value
VBentoRectVBentoRect is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VRect value
VBentoS16VBentoS16 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vs16 value
VBentoS16ArrayVBentoS16Array is a VBentoArray that holds an array of Vs16 values
VBentoS32VBentoS32 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vs32 value
VBentoS32ArrayVBentoS32Array is a VBentoArray that holds an array of Vs32 values
VBentoS64VBentoS64 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vs64 value
VBentoS64ArrayVBentoS64Array is a VBentoArray that holds an array of Vs64 values
VBentoS8VBentoS8 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vs8 value
VBentoS8ArrayVBentoS8Array is a VBentoArray that holds an array of Vs8 values
VBentoSizeVBentoSize is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VSize value
VBentoStringVBentoString is a VBentoAttribute that holds a VString value
VBentoStringArrayVBentoStringArray is a VBentoArray that holds an array of VString values
VBentoTextNodeParserThis class performs parsing of Bento Text Format data to create a Bento data hierarchy from the text
VBentoU16VBentoU16 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vu16 value
VBentoU32VBentoU32 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vu32 value
VBentoU64VBentoU64 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vu64 value
VBentoU8VBentoU8 is a VBentoAttribute that holds a Vu8 value
VBentoUnknownValueVBentoUnknownValue is a VBentoAttribute that holds a value that is read from an input stream but whose type is unknown; the object uses a VMemoryStream to hold the binary data of unknown type
VBinaryIOStreamVBinaryIOStream is a concrete VIOStream subclass that provides well-typed stream i/o using network byte order for its data
VBufferedFileStreamVBufferedFileStream is a concrete VStream class that implements stream i/o on a file, using buffered i/o APIs (e.g., fopen/fclose/fread/fwrite)
VCharVChar is a simple wrapper for C char values
VClassFactoryVClassFactory is the abstract base class that you subclass to provide a method that instantiates a particular type of object
VClassRegistryVClassRegistry provides a mechanism for instantiating objects dynamically at runtime based on class IDs
VClientSessionThis base class provides the API and services general to the various types of client sessions that may keep a connection alive for a relatively long time, typically with a user's login credentials
VClientSessionFactoryImplement a subclass of VClientSessionFactory (specifically, the createSession() method) to create a socket listener that will create the desired type of VClientSession whenever an incoming connection is accepted on that socket
VCodePointVCodePoint stores a Unicode code point, which is similar to a 'char' except that the range of values is vastly larger than what fits in one byte
VColorVColor defines a color value in terms of RGB and Alpha
VColorMapperVColorMapper is an abstract base class that defines the API for looking up the colors assigned to a particular data value (string, integer, Vs64, or double)
VColorPairVColorPair holds a foreground and background color as a single object for ease of management and use in the other APIs
VColorPaletteVColorPalette is a collection of color mappers keyed by name
VCompactingDeque< _Tp, _Alloc >VCompactingDeque is a template class that subclasses std::deque and adds the ability to "compact" the deque internal structures when the deque drains
VCoutLogAppenderAn appender that emits to the console using the std::cout stream
VDateVDate represents a calendar date: a year/month/day
VDateAndTimeVDateAndTime simply aggregates a VDate and a VTimeOfDay into one convenient object
VDirectIOFileStreamVDirectIOFileStream is a concrete VStream class that implements stream i/o on a file, using unbuffered i/o APIs (e.g., open/close/read/write)
VDoubleColorMapperVDoubleColorMapper maps double values to colors
VDoubleRangeColorElementVDoubleRangeColorElement stores one range element for a VDoubleRangeColorMapper
VDoubleRangeColorMapperVDoubleRangeColorMapper maps ranges of double values to colors
VDurationA VDuration is a length of time
VEOFExceptionVEOFException is a VException that indicates that a stream reader has hit the end of the stream while reading
VExceptionVException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the Vault
VFailureEmitterThere are some types of unit tests where you have to do some setup before actually invoking the VUnit subclass, where the setup can fail
VFileLogAppenderAn appender that emits to one big file
VFileSystemThis helper class is used internally to wrap POSIX file APIs needed by our low-level implementation, while handling thread interruption errors and retrying
VFileWriterThis class simplifies using the VFSNode::safelyOverwriteFile() API, by relieving you of the need to manually create a temporary buffer stream, etc
VForeignThreadVForeignThread is a special case that is intended to be declared on the stack in a callback or similar function that is called by a foreign (non-VThread) source such as the Windows Service Control Manager
VFSNodeA VFSNode represents a file or directory in the file system, whether it actually exists or not, and provides some methods for operating on it
VFSNodeFindCallbackThis directory iterator is used by VFSNode::find() to search for a node with a specified name
VFSNodeInfoVFSNodeInfo holds file system information about a node, and is used internally by VFSNode and its platform-specific helper functions
VFSNodeListCallbackThis iteration callback is used to capture a directory's children's names as a list of nodes
VFSNodeNameCallbackThis iteration callback is used to capture a directory's children's names as a list of strings
VHexVHex is mainly a namespace for some global functions converting to/from hexadecimal strings and buffer display
VInstantA VInstant is an object that represents an instant in time regardless of the location (and time zone) of where code is running
VInstantFormatterThis class describes how a VInstant should be formatted as a string
VInstantFormatterLocaleInfoThis class holds a set of locale-specific text and other information used when formatting VInstant time stamp strings
VInstantStructThis structure is passed to or returned by the core functions to describe a calendar structured instant in some implied time zone
VIntegerColorMapperVIntegerColorMapper maps integer values to colors
VIntegerRangeColorElementVIntegerRangeColorElement stores one range element for a VIntegerRangeColorMapper
VIntegerRangeColorMapperVIntegerRangeColorMapper maps ranges of integer values to colors
VIOStreamVIOStream is an abstract base class from which classes derive that perform well-typed I/O on raw streams
VLineT< T >VLineT defines a line segment with two points
VListenerSocketVListenerSocket is a special kind of socket that can accept incoming connections and create a new VSocket for each such connection that it accepts
VListenerThreadA VListenerThread is a thread whose run() method listens on a socket and creates a new VSocket for each incoming connection and a VSocketThread object to manage each such VSocket
VLogAppenderVLogAppender is an abstract base class that defines the API for writing output to a destination
VLogAppenderFactoryThe abstract base class is what you implement to allow an appender class to be dynamically instantiated from settings, typically during a call to configure() at startup
VLoggerStatic APIs for configuring the logging system, adding, removing, and finding appenders and loggers, etc
VLoggerLevelThis class holds the constants defining the log levels
VLoggerPrintStackConfigThis class encapsulates the configuration and state for when a named logger should decide to emit a stack trace upon emitting a message
VLoggerRepetitionFilterVLoggerRepetitionFilter provides VLogger a simple way of preventing runaway repetitive log output
VMainThreadThe VMainThread is a special case that is intended to be declared and called by the application's main function as follows: int main(int argc, char** argv) { VMainThread mainThread; return mainThread.execute(argc, argv); } This allows Vault to have a VThread object to represent the main thread, even though it is not a VThread-launched thread
VManagementInterfaceVManagementInterface defines the interface for a class you can provide that will be notified as threads come and go, so that you can keep track of listeners, start them, stop them, kill them, etc
VMemoryStreamVMemoryStream is a concrete subclass of VStream, that provides stream i/o to a buffer in memory; during writes the buffer will expand automatically as necessary
VMessageVMessage is an abstract base class that implements the basic messaging capabilities; the concrete subclass must implement the send() and receive() functions, which know how to read and write the particular message protocol format (the wire protocol)
VMessageFactoryVMessageFactory is an abstract base class that you must implement for purposes of giving an input thread a way to instantiate the correct concrete type of message
VMessageHandlerVMessageHandler is the abstract base class for objects that process inbound messages from various client connections
VMessageHandlerFactoryVMessageHandlerFactory defines the interface for factory objects that know how to create the appropriate type of concrete VMessageHandler subclass for a particular message ID or set of message IDs
VMessageHandlerTaskThis interface defines a background task object that can be attached to a VClientSession, such that the session will not destruct until all attached tasks have ended
VMessageInputThreadVMessageInputThread understands how to perform blocking input reads of VMessage objects (finding and calling a VMessageHandler) from its i/o stream
VMessageOutputThreadVMessageOutputThread understands how to maintain and monitor a message output queue, waking up when a new message has been posted to the queue, and writing it to the output stream
VMessageQueueVMessageQueue is a thread-safe FIFO queue of messages
VMutexVMutex implements a platform-independent mutex that you can embed in an object or place on the stack to guarantee its cleanup when the VMutex object is destructed
VMutexLockerVMutexLocker is a helper class that you can use to make working with mutexes easier, and more importantly to guarantee proper release behavior of a VMutex even when exceptions are raised
VMutexUnlockerVMutexUnlocker is helper class that is the inverse of a VMutexLocker: it unlocks a mutex upon construction, and locks it upon destruction
VNamedLoggerVNamedLogger defines an object to which log output is initially sent
VNetworkInterfaceInfoVNetworkInterfaceInfo describes an Internet interface on this computer
VPlatformAPIVPlatformAPI defines the lower level APIs for interfacing directly with the platform's file system API which deal in paths
VPoint3DT< T >VPoint3DT defines a point with x, y, and z coordinates
VPointT< T >VPointT defines a point with x and y coordinates
VPolygonT< T >VPolygonT defines a polygon or series of points
VRangeExceptionVRangeException is a VException that indicates that a value is outside the valid range of data
VReadOnlyMemoryStreamVReadOnlyMemoryStream is a convenience class that lets you share a single buffer between multiple memory streams
VRectT< T >VRectT defines a rectangle
VRollingFileLogAppenderNot yet implemented
VSemaphoreVSemaphore implements a platform-independent semaphore that you can embed in an object or place on the stack to guarantee its cleanup when the VSemaphore object is destructed
VServerThis abstract base class defines the interface that must be provided by a concrete server class in order to facilitate interaction with the classes that manage listeners, i/o threads, and messaging
VSettingsVSettings is the top level object you use to read and write a settings hierarchy
VSettingsAttributeA VSettingsAttribute is a node that has a name and value
VSettingsCDATAVSettingsCDATA is a node that represents text inside the tag hierarchy; what it really means is an attribute value whose name (as in name/value) is the tag name of its parent
VSettingsNodeVSettingsNode is the abstract class used to describe any node in the settings hierarchy
VSettingsTagA VSettingsTag node is one that has optional attribute/value pairs and optional child nodes
VSettingsXMLParserThis is the class that contains the logic for parsing XML text into VSettings objects
VShutdownRegistryThe shutdown registry allows you to register a handler object that will be called to clean up when the program shuts down
VSilentLogAppenderAn appender that discards everything emitted to it
VSingleton< T >VSingleton is a template class that provides a "singleton holder" that implements the "singleton" pattern behavior for a class T you write
VSingletonShutdownHandler< T >This template class allows you to easily register a singleton class T with the shutdown registry, so that it will get cleaned up at shutdown
VSizeT< T >VSizeT defines a width and height
VSocketVSocket is the class that defines a BSD or Winsock socket connection
VSocketClosedExceptionVSocketClosedException is a VException that indicates that a read or write on a socket has failed because the socket has closed
VSocketConnectionStrategyA socket connection strategy determines how to connect a socket in the face of DNS resolution, when an IP may resolve to more than one IP address
VSocketConnectionStrategyLinearConnects to each DNS resolved IP address for a host name, in order, until one succeeds or a specified timeout is reached
VSocketConnectionStrategySingleConnects to the first DNS resolved IP address for a host name
VSocketConnectionStrategyThreadedConnects to the all DNS resolved IP addresses for a host name, in parallel batches, until one succeeds or a specified timeout is reached
VSocketConnectionStrategyThreadedRunnerBecause the strategy involves creating multiple threads but wanting to proceed as soon as 1 of them succeeds, we need an intermediary thread object that can live longer and wait around for all of the workers to complete and properly bookkeep them
VSocketFactoryVSocketFactory can be used as-is, or can be subclassed to create special kinds of sockets; normally every socket is just a VSocket, but it is conceivable to have things like VSecureSocket or such
VSocketInfoVSocketInfo is essentially a structure that just contains a copy of information about a VSocket as it existed at the point in time when the VSocketInfo was created
VSocketStreamVSocketStream is a concrete VStream class that knows how to do i/o on a VSocket
VSocketThreadVSocketThread is an abstract base class, derived from VThread, that has both a VSocket, on which it presumably communicates with a client, and an owner VThread, which is presumably the VListenerThread that it
VSocketThreadFactoryVSocketThreadFactory is an abstract base class that you must override to create the kind of VSocketThread subclass you want
VStackTraceExceptionThis simple helper class throws an exception with a stack trace included, without having to pass the boolean as you do with the base class
VStandinThreadVStandinThread is a special VThread object we simply declare as gStandinThread (but never execute) and reference if we need to return a reference to the current thread but it's not one of our threads
VStreamVStream is an abstract base class that defines a stream-oriented i/o API
VStreamCopierVStreamCopier is a helper class for certain kinds of stream copy operations
VStringVString is a string container class that should help to eliminate almost all use of char buffer and char* and their inherent dangers, in the Vault APIs and most source code
VStringColorMapperVStringColorMapper maps string values to colors
VStringIterator< vstring_ref >VStringIterator iterates through a VString over its UTF-8 code points
VStringLogAppenderAn appender that appends each emitted message to a multi-line string instance variable that can be obtained afterwards
VStringLoggerA special logger subclass meant to be declared on the stack (not "registered") and explicitly logged to, which uses an embedded VStringLogAppender to capture the emitted messages to a multi-line string
VStringRangeColorElementVStringRangeColorElement stores one range element for a VStringRangeColorMapper
VStringRangeColorMapperVStringRangeColorMapper maps ranges of string values to colors
VStringVectorLogAppenderAn appender that appends each emitted message to a string list that can be obtained afterwards
VStringVectorLoggerA special logger subclass meant to be declared on the stack (not "registered") and explicitly logged to, which uses an embedded VStringVectorLogAppender to capture the emitted messages to a string list
VSystemErrorVSystemError captures the current system error code and the corresponding error message text
VTestInfoVTestInfo is used internally by VUnit to hold a single test's info and result
VTestRunnerVTestRunner is an abstract interface for running a single unit test class
VTestSuitesWrapperVTestSuitesRunner is a helper/wrapper class that handles proper setup and teardown of an entire set of test suites
VTextIOStreamVTextIOStream is a concrete VIOStream subclass that provides text line-oriented stream i/o
VThreadVThread is class that provides an easy way to create a thread of execution
VTimeOfDayVTimeOfDay represents a time of day without understanding about calendars or time zones; it is simply an hour/minute/second container
VUnimplementedExceptionVUnimplementedException is a VException that indicates that a feature in the code is not yet implemented
VUnitVUnit is a simple abstract base class used to build unit tests for the Vault classes
VUnitJUnitXMLOutputThis outputter writes test results in a JUnit-compatible XML format
VUnitOutputWriterVUnitOutputWriter provides an abstract API for providing test results in various formats
VUnitSimpleTextOutputThis outputter writes test results in a simple human-readable text format
VUnitTeamCityBuildStatusOutputThis outputter writes test results in a TeamCity build status XML file format
VUnitTeamCityOutputThis outputter writes test results in a TeamCity stdout reporting format
VWriteBufferedStreamVWriteBufferedStream is a helper class that buffers writes until a flush is issued; reads are not allowed

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